
Beyond Learning: Voices of learners and educators in green transition is a course that complements EAEA’s podcast Beyond Learning. On the podcast, EAEA interviews learners, educators and community organisers about why learning should be at the heart of a greener future, and how it has already shaped their lives and communities. The e-learning course includes additional material about the case studies and topics discussed. The course focuses on adult learning and education with an interdisciplinary perspective, crossing over to other fields that are relevant for learning abut the green transition, such as science, art and architecture.

Structure of the course and methodology

The course takes place on this online learning platform. You can attend the whole course or individual sessions.

The course is composed of 4 modules, with the following topics:

1.     Module 1: Bottom-up approaches in community organising

2.     Module 2: Learning about green transition through art and science

3.     Module 3: Social enterprises as a space for (learning about) reuse and upcycling

4.     Module 4: Co-creating green and inclusive public spaces.

Each module includes a link to the recordings of the podcast, additional reading or audiovisual material and a task or a question for discussion.

Participant profile

Anyone with an interest in how adult learning can support green transition is encouraged to take part in the course, and especially:

  • Adult education associations (including their staff)
  • Adult education providers (including their staff)
  • Adult education trainers
  • Policymakers operating at the European and national levels (including EU institutions).

How to enrol

The study language is English and participation in the course is free of charge.

You can enrol in each module separately. Once you click on the module, first you have to log in or create your account (if you have not done it before). Then you can enrol as a student. After enrolling you will be able to see the full programme of the sessions included in the module. The website will guide you in the process.

Please check your spam folder for the confirmation email and do not hesitate to contact us should you have any issues with the registration process (

Recognition of participants’ learning outcomes

For each module, participants will receive a learning badge. A final certificate is foreseen for participants who complete all six modules.

The European Commission's support for the production of this platform does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Module 1: Bottom-up approaches in community organising
Beyond Learning

How can you unite a community of local residents and NGOs around the challenges of green transition? What are the ways of enabling shared decision-making? In this module, you will listen to a case study from the first episode of EAEA's podcast Beyond Learning, Forever Autonomous, in which you will take a tour around Open Jazdów, a bottom up community in Warsaw, Poland. You will also get access to additional material about the community and an extra case study from Patras, Greece.  

Module 2: Learning about green transition through art and science
Beyond Learning

How can art and science support adults in learning about the green transition, and in exploring the interconnection between the local and the global? In this module, you will listen to a case study from an episode of EAEA's podcast Beyond Learning, Making Meaning, in which you will take a tour around a museum that invites visitors to getting to know the Sustainable Development Goals through learning activities and interactive exhibits. You will also get access to additional material that looks at how art can support adult educators in communicating about global challenges such as the climate crisis. Finally, you will hear from an adult learner who turned to art when exploring her personal connection to nature.

Module 3: Social enterprises as a space for (learning about) reuse and upcycling
Beyond Learning

How can social enterprises create a welcoming and safe environment for adults from all walks of life, while at the same time encouraging more sustainable approaches? In this module, you will listen to a case study from an episode of EAEA's podcast Beyond Learning, "Growing", in which you will visit Groot Eiland, a Brussels-based social enterprise. You will also get access to additional material that introduces a textile upcycling initiative with a feminist perspective. Finally, you will hear from learners of a sewing class about why they decided to learn how to mend their clothes.

Module 4: Co-creating green and inclusive public spaces
Beyond Learning

How can we co-create spaces for learning that are sustainable and foster belonging - and what can we learn from participatory architecture? In this module, you will listen to a case study from an episode of EAEA's podcast Beyond Learning, "Upside Down", in which you will learn about collaborative practices in designing urban spaces. You will also get access to additional material that explores how a public garden can be reimagined with active participation of a local community. Finally, you will hear from a filmmaker who tells us about women's cycling communities in Europe and in Asia, and the power of organising and reclaiming public spaces.