Second session on EU policies on adult education

Second session on EU policies on adult education

BermanTania -

Dear participants,

Our next session is already approaching.

Next Tuesday 12th of May at 11am (CET), we will meet each other again online. This time, we will have the privilege to welcome Martina Ní Cheallaigh from the European Commission to talk about European policies in the field of adult education.

We would like to encourage you to read the main EU documents linked to this topic already in order to make sure you are familiar with the themes discussed. These documents are: Europe 2020, Education and Training 2020 (ET 2020), European Agenda for Adult Learning. You can find the links again online on the platform. Feel also free to read in our policy section EAEA’s reactions on these policies to familiarize yourselves with our work:

We would like to dedicate most of the time to questions and answers, so we’d like you to read in advance and already prepare one or two questions that you can then ask during the session. As we expect, this time again, with great pleasure, over 100 participants, we will ask you to write down your questions in a question box (we will explain during the session, it is very easy) and we will pick the most relevant ones and ask our speaker to answer.

After this session, we will ask you to do the same assignment as for the first session: answer three short questions that allow you to reflect on your own learning (questions are online). Remember that you have until Monday evening to finalise this assignment for the first course if you have not yet done so.

Furthermore, you will have a second assignment to do in a group of around five persons. For this, you will have time until End of June. This second assignment will be linked, again, to a personal reflection on what you have learned, for which you will have time over the summer until August. We will explain in detail these assignments at the session on Tuesday. There is no need to start on any of these for now. As said, for now, we would simply like to ask you to read the EU documents (and eventually finalise the assignment for last session).

We wish you an excellent week-end!

All the best, Tania