Adult learning and education has evolved differently across Europe. In this module, you will explore selected case studies of adult learning provision in Ireland, UK, Portugal, Ukraine, Germany, Austria and in the Nordic countries. You will watch videos that introduce the concepts of community education, life skills approaches, recognition of prior learning, and more.

The last lesson, Lesson 6, will include a short assignment. 

Lesson 1: Community education in Ireland
Module 2: Adult learning practice in Europe

In this lesson, you will learn about the concept of community education in Ireland and get to know several community education centres.

Lesson 2: Life skills approach through the Citizens’ Curriculum in the UK and Finland
Module 2: Adult learning practice in Europe
In this lesson, you will get to know the Citizens' Curriculum developed by EAEA UK member Learning and Work Institute, and how it was adapted to the Finnish context. 
Lesson 4: Recognition of prior learning in Portugal
Module 2: Adult learning practice in Europe

This lesson will introduce you to the main principles of the Qualifica programme in Portugal, which enables adults of all walks of life to get their competences recognised.

Lesson 5: Learning for inclusion in Ukraine
Module 2: Adult learning practice in Europe

In this lesson, you will hear about the concept of a "third place", and how libraries can encourage inclusion and non-formal learning even in times of war.

Lesson 6: Adult education centres in Germany and Austria
Module 2: Adult learning practice in Europe

In this lesson, you will learn about the diverse offer of German and Austrian volkshochschulen, with a focus on how they support inclusion of migrants and refugees.