The first module seeks to familiarise key actors on the ground with different EU frameworks and tools in order to better engage their actions with the European context, which will facilitate their internationalisation and reach out at European level in the long term.
The module introduces the participants to the main funding tools used in Europe for financing adult learning and their effectiveness, as researched by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. Specific attention will be paid to funding mechanisms that are decentralized.
The module presents examples of how to advocate adult learning at the local level. The speakers, Kertu Eensaar and Monica Marfeldt share their work on the AGENDA project, which focused on the implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning. The Association of Estonian Adult Educators Andras explains their connection to local governments and showcases successful methods of collaboration with them.
In this module, learners will get acquainted with Community Education in Ireland and AONTAS National Community Education Network, the theory of community education, and Critical Theory. They will listen to learners’ perspectives on community education and receive practical information on how it supports marginalised learners and addresses the challenges faced by these learners.
This webinar tries to highlight new trends and innovations in the field
of career guidance in different European regions. It provides an insight
into innovative practical approaches to guidance systems and services
on the local and regional levels and in the way they develop.
The webinar introduces participants to the voucher-based adult education scheme currently being implemented in Croatia. The initiative aims to provide green and digital competences to people over the age of 15. Its obejctive is to reach 4,000 people in 2022 and 30,000 people by 2026.
UNESCO provides the framework, resources, and support for the Learning City project. It is planned as an exercise in democracy and citizenship which is the version of lifelong learning proposed by the Municipality of Larissa the local lead agency for this venture. The webinar will introduce the participants to the concept of Learning Cities, the goals, the cultural and educational obstacles to the development of a Greek Learning City and the example of Larissa-Learning City.