This session will introduce the AE-PRO project and the course as well as the work of the European Association for the Education of Adults. There will also be a presentation on EAEA policy initiatives and project.
Lead: EAEA
Length: 1.5 hours
This session will present the different European institutions and their work in adult education and lifelong learning, as well as European policies and the strategy for adult education.
- Presentation of the European Institutions.
- Reading material: European Agenda for the Adult Learning, EU2020, ET2020.
- Session with European Commission representatives: either live or recorded, depending on availability.
Lead: EAEA
Length: 2 hours
Start date: Tuesday 12th May 2015
This session will let you discover the work of civil society organisations in the field of lifelong learning. Several European-wide organisations will present their work. The discussion will also address the topics addressed and the challenges faced by the organisations in their advocacy work.
Lead: EAEA
Length: 1.5 hours
Start date: Tuesday 26th May 2015
An opportunity for participants to give feedback on the course, ask questions, and evaluate the course. Participants will also have the opportunity to become part of a wider alumni network should they wish to do so.
Lead: EAEA
Length: 45 minutes
Start date: Tuesday 8th December 2015